This time, as soon as the CTET July 2024 Result came, many candidates are seeing very bad things. In this CTET July Session 2024 Result, only 17.5% of candidates have passed and this is shocking news for everyone. This time the result of the CTET exam has come out very bad and 83.5% percent students have not been able to pass this exam.
In today’s blog post, we will see what the candidates who passed this CTET July Session Exam 2024 should do next and what the failed candidates should do next. All the candidates who have passed or failed this session exam of CTET, both the candidates should read this blog post completely.
If you read this blog post completely, then you will get an idea of what you should do next. For those candidates who could not pass this CTET exam, a good plan has been given which all the failed candidates should know.
What should the candidates who have passed the CTET July Session Exam 2024 do now?
To pass the CTET exam, general category candidates need to score at least 90 marks whereas other category candidates (OBC/SC/ST/PwD) need to score at least 82 marks. Candidates who have passed this session exam should download their certificate from DigiLocker.
Candidates who have passed should start preparing for the upcoming BPSC Tre 4.0. The BPSC Tre 3.0 exam has just been completed, now candidates who have passed the CTET exam should start preparing for the BPSC Tre 4.0 exam.
If you pass the BPSC Tre 4.0 exam, you will become a government school teacher and will get a government job.
What should the candidates who have failed the CTET July Session Exam 2024 do now?
Candidates who could not pass the CTET July Session Exam 2024 should start preparing for the upcoming CTET exam from now itself. CBSE Board conducts the CTET exam twice every year, the first session exam is in July and the second session exam is in December. Candidates who failed in the July session should start preparing for the upcoming December session from now itself.
Now there is very little time left for the December session exam, so all the candidates who have failed should fund their weak portion and prepare well this time because the upcoming CTET exam is going to be held in December month.
This time very few students have been able to pass the CTET exam. CBSE Board has released a data in which they have told that a total of 678707 candidates appeared in Paper 1, out of which only 127159 students were able to pass. Regarding Paper 2, CBSE Board has said that a total of 1407332 candidates appeared in Paper 2, out of which only 239120 candidates were able to pass.

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